Two Mothers For Zachary (1996)

Directed by Peter Werner
Based on the true custody battle in Richmond, Virginia, a grandmother sues her lesbian daughter for custody of her grandson on the grounds her daughter is immoral for living with another woman in a gay relationship.

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What some people think about this movie...

Valerie Bertinelli plays the mother of the son in question. It is definitely a made for TV movie. I taped it on a lark with the pre-conceived notion that it would be laughably bad. It wasn't. It did bring the frustration & devastation of such closed-minded prejudices to life. Valerie Bertinelli enjoying a passionate kiss with another woman in the rain was quite enjoyable for an old "One Day At A Time" fan like myself. The ending was overly symbolic & cheesy but got the point across, nonetheless.

Jennifish (email:
