Gazon maudit (1995)

Directed by Josiane Balasko
France : 105 minutes : Comedy
The marriage of Laurent and Loli who have two children is a real harmony. This changes completely the day that the experienced and charming Marijo, a lesbian, enters their lives and falls in love with Loli. Now Laurent has to face an oponent who he never had thought of before.

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What some people think about this movie...

This is MY FAVORITE MOVIE! it's called "French Twistt--it's french and it's subtitled in english. It's the most wonderful, funny, and very lesbian movie i 'have seen lately. It's about a couple, a man and a woman with 2 kids. The husband cheats on his wife all the time, has 2-3 different women a day, but his wife doesn't know about it. So, once a another woman (very dyky (manly looking) looking) drives by , and her car breaks down next to their house. She knocks on the door, and.... anyway, it's an awesome movie, very funny, very true, pleasure to watch. I own a copy of this one. I usually don't buy movies, have a satellite dish, but this one is worth it.

Natasha (email:


This movie has very amusing parts & an ending you wouldn't suspect in a million years. I LOVED Marijo, the big Diesel Dyke. She was very charming & a joy to watch.

Jennifish (email:


I can tell you with all responsibility of the movie critic, that "French Twist" is not only very interesting and positive lesbian experiense, but it's wonderful cinema in the best meaning of this word. By the way, girls: I'm looking very much alike Mary-Jo. Let's communicate, and don't ever forget, that's the life is great in any color.

Olga (email:
